Help us build our next home!

When people think of Habitat for Humanity, they picture people building homes.  We offer volunteer opportunities for individuals and groups on our Salt Lake area Habitat build sites. Currently, we are working on the Field of Dreams.  As a build day volunteer, you will spend six hours learning new skills or putting your knowledge to work in a meaningful way.  Skilled tradespeople are welcome; however, no special knowledge or skills are required. We provide instruction, tools, and supervision to ensure you have a fun and rewarding experience. You may learn a few tricks of the trade to put to use in your own home!

People age 16 and up can volunteer at a build site (parents must accompany minors and sign a waiver). We do our best to accommodate people of all abilities. Detailed volunteer instructions will be provided when you sign up.

Sign up to volunteer

For questions, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 801-263-0136 ext. 7.


Register to volunteer through our online calendar!

View the volunteer opportunities calendar and select a shift. You will be prompted to enter your information and read the waiver: Get started now.

Questions? Please email

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