Habitat for Humanity Greater Salt Lake Area advocates on federal, state, and local levels. On the state level, we build relationships with Utah lawmakers to create new opportunities for affordable homeownership and critical home repairs in Salt Lake County and throughout the state. On the local level, we partner with cities and community-based agencies, braiding services to maximize outcomes. Our community partners include Salt Lake City, West Valley City, Tooele City, Salt Lake County's Asthma program, Utah Community Action's Weatherization, Salt Lake County Aging Services, Assist's Accessibility and Emergency Repair programs, and many more.

On the federal level, we advocate for housing policies by attending Habitat for Humanity International's annual Day on the Hill in Washington, D.C. The next event is February 6 - 8, 2024. Here are our current national priorities:

  • HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). These are resources accessed through partnerships with local communities to develop new homes and ensure housing affordability for Habitat clients. With increasing land and construction costs and stagnating wages, these resources are vital in providing access to homeownership for working-class families.
  • AmeriCorps. The service of AmeriCorps members is vital to our mission. They serve to engage volunteers, manage events, and build capacity within our organization.
  • The Neighborhood Homes Investment Act (NHIA). This act would provide a federal tax credit to build and rehabilitate homes for lower and middle-income families. New solutions like this are needed to contend with skyrocketing housing costs and the affordable housing crisis.
  • The Habitat Cost of Home Program. To achieve the campaign goal of 10 million people impacted, the Cost of Home campaign focuses on improving housing affordability across the housing continuum and for individuals and families of all incomes. The program is based on four themes:
    • Increasing the supply and preservation of affordable homes
    • Equitably increasing access to credit
    • Optimizing land use for affordable homes
    • Ensuring access to and the development of communities of opportunity

Help us continue our advocacy ­â€” make a donation today!

Help us continue our advocacy - make a donation today!

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