There are many creative ways you can be a champion for Habitat! 

Hosting your own fundraiser is a fun way to share your passion for Habitat’s mission with your friends, family, and community. You’d be surprised how many people will happily support a cause you hold near and dear to your heart.  Recently, we had the honor of receiving a $50 donation from a child who took his piggy bank to school, church, and even door-to-door (with the help of his parents, of course).  His efforts mean the world to us, especially that he shared his passion for our cause with his community, which in turn helped us grow our community.  

We’ve put together this brief list of ideas you can use to host your own fundraiser, many of which are youth-appropriate. We are here to help you along the way by attending your event to share our story, providing printed materials and SWAG, and promoting your event.  We ask that you coordinate with us prior to hosting your event to ensure the donations made can be tax-deductible for the donors.  

Fundraiser Ideas 

Here are some ideas to spark your creativity. Feel free to come up with your own!  Give us a call to get started and have your questions answered.  

  • Run or walk for Habitat!  Have people sponsor your events.  
  • Host a cocktail or dinner party.  Inviting your friends over is a relaxed way to engage your friends and family. We will mingle, do a brief presentation, and even give away some prizes, making the evening a pleasant experience for all. 
  • Do a bake sale, lemonade stand, or other food-related activity.  
  • Hold a yard sale and donate the proceeds to Habitat!  You can even donate many of your unsold items. And, you can multiply your impact by including your neighbors in a multi-family yard sale!  
  • Commit to selling a table or block of 10 tickets to one of our events. Have fun with your friends, give your employees a treat, or invite your special clients.   

Kathryn, our Special Events Manager, is here to help! Feel free to call her at 801-263-0136 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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